Lyric Breakdown 

“I Know we moved a couple times, I know things don changed, but the spirit could never die and it could never fade”

“I know our story been erased from the ground, but never from spirit”

Displacement is a major theme with the Black community, not only in Indianapolis, but pretty much across the country. Whether it’s informed by issues like eminent domain, simply wanting to move for personal family reasons, or something else, being displaced from “home” causes a shift in one’s story. And yet the spirit of what I consider Black folks at large will never shift.

When it comes to our story our story being erased from the ground due to issues like highways being built and eminent domain, the shift in one’s story is still there, but it hits different. And yet even though we can’t visit certain places pivotal to our history, even though certain historical artifacts and momentum of building one’s culture and home have been erased and reset, the spirit of what it means to be Black in America will never die or fade. It will always remain.